mercredi 19 août 2009

travel now, pay later with your mobile phone

Telefónica O2 joins Deutsche Bahn’s NFC ticketing project
Badger avec son téléphone (NFC) pour prendre le train pour valider son ticket ou son "pass", n'est pas vraiment une idée nouvelle. Par contre il me semble que c'est la première fois que je vois ce principe ou il n'y a pas de pré-achat mais ou l'on badge en entrant puis en sortant et ça calcule le cout du transport (facturé en fin de mois).
The mobile operator has joined Vodafone and T-Mobile in the German rail company's Touch&Travel NFC ticketing project, as it heads towards a major expansion of the pilot testing area and a future nationwide commercial launch. ON TARGET: Travellers hold their NFC phones to Touchpoints like this before and after every journey Telefónica O2 Germany has joined Vodafone and T-Mobile in participating in German rail operator Deutsche Bahn's Touch&Travel NFC ticketing project, as the rail company prepares for the next phase of testing in which the pilot area will expand to include long distance train services from Hannover to Frankfurt.
Developed in conjunction with technology partners Atron, Giesecke & Devrient and NXP, the Touch&Travel concept is a very simple one: Passengers touch their NFC phone to a Touch&Travel Touchpoint at the start of their journey and then touch their phone again to a Touchpoint at the end of their journey. The fare is then automatically calculated and charged to their Deutsche Bahn account, which is settled on a monthly basis via direct debit.

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