En complément à l'article précédent dans lequel nous disions que les banquiers et les institutions financières proposaient de plus en plus d'outils de gestion budgétaire. C'est au tour d'amex de proposer une offre de PFM (personal Finance management). Dans un contexte dans lequel les intervenants financiers sont attaqués pour leur comportement, c'est un véritable service que ces intervenants proposent à leurs clients ou membres. C'est un aussi un bon moyen de les fidéliser.
source colloquy:
American Express has launched the Money Manager, a new, free online personal finance service that helps charge Cardmembers manage their finances and rewards accounts in a secure online location. Cardmembers now can link bank accounts, credit cards, investment accounts, mortgage loans, car loans, student loans and rewards points from more than 11,000 institutions all in one place through Money Manager so that they can spot ways to spend and save smarter.
Cardmembers access Money Manager by logging into their card account at AmericanExpress.com and providing username and password information for the financial accounts they want to manage. Once a cardmember has registered, all their account information is linked and automatically updated, so they can access all their accounts without having to log in to multiple individual accounts. Cardmembers also can view charts that automatically categorize their spending, set budgets, receive alerts to stay on track, and get updates on their investments.
Money Manager provides tools including:
Budget Tracker: Set monthly budget goals and receive e-mail alerts on budget limits
Spending Reports: Analyze spending trends over time
Financial Calendar: Displays due date and amount due for each financial account where payments are owed, including bills/utilities, credit cards, insurance, mortgage and loan payments
Rewards Tracker: Monitor balances from frequent-flyer, car rental, hotel and other rewards accounts
Personal Net Worth Calculator: Displays account information in a personalized balance sheet format, categorizing it into assets and liabilities and calculating a total net worth
A recent American Express survey of consumers about personal finances shows that more than half (57%) of respondents age 18-64 are concerned that, in any given month, the amount of money they pay in bills will exceed their monthly income; 21% say they don’t have enough time to monitor their household budget and plan their finances; 22% feel they could use some help finding resources to effectively manage their personal finances.
This online service is available to all U.S. American Express Charge Cardmembers.
Source: American Express
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